Indications and Contraindications of GonadotropinGonadotropin is a hormonal medication that stimulates the production of

Indications and Contraindications of GonadotropinGonadotropin is a hormonal medication that stimulates the production of Gonadotropin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in reproductive health. It is used in various medical treatments and can be prescribed for both men and women. Understanding the indications and contraindications of gonadotropin is essential to ensure its safe…

Tamoxifen Euro-Pharmacies Steroid CourseOne of the most widely used medications in the world of bodybuilding and fitness is Tamox

Tamoxifen Euro-Pharmacies Steroid CourseOne of the most widely used medications in the world of bodybuilding and fitness is Tamox Tamoxifen is a commonly used medication in the field of bodybuilding and sports performance enhancement. It belongs to the class of drugs known as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and is primarily used to treat breast…

Vasculiti, due farmaci sostituiscono luso di steroidi evitandone i pesanti effetti collaterali Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena

Vasculiti, due farmaci sostituiscono luso di steroidi evitandone i pesanti effetti collaterali Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena I livelli circolanti di angiotensinogeno risultano pressoché nella norma fino alle fasi terminali dall’epatopatia (19). Spermatogenesi Nei maschi sottoposti a dialisi è spesso presente perdita della libido, della potenza sessuale e della spermatogenesi che, molto spesso, portano a infertilità…

« Tatort »-Faktencheck: Wie verbreitet sind Anabolika unter Bodybuildern?

« Tatort »-Faktencheck: Wie verbreitet sind Anabolika unter Bodybuildern? Die Verwendung muss der Leistungssteigerung eines Menschen im Zusammenhang mit sportlichen Aktivitäten dienen. Unerheblich ist dabei ob die Leistungssteigerung bei sportlichen Aktivitäten im Training, im Wettkampf oder gar lediglich in der Freizeit erfolgt. Legale Steroide sind natürliche Muskelaufbaupräparate, die ähnliche Wirkungen wie anabole Steroide haben, aber keine schwerwiegenden…
